Tuesday, August 23, 2011

10 digits

10 digits doesn’t mean anything to me
A number is just a number
You text & I may reply
You call & I may answer

10 digits is my one night stand
My sex without emotion
My guilty pleasure
When I see numbers, I’m never disappointed
10 digits can act a fool
Within a moment,
I will forget they even existed

Your digits I can’t get out of my mind
Your name sets the tone for a connection
Your name reminds me of our past
Its sets my mind to believe we can do this
We can work things out

If I change these 10 digits to your name
I’m afraid my emotions may begin its marathon
I will remember how seeing your name …
made me smile
made me miss you
made me want you even more

If I change these 10 digits to your name
I may start feeling sorry for you
I may want you back
I may allow your ways back into my life

After reflecting …
your name will go unlisted
So you can call or text
I may reply, I may answer or I may leave it be
Just now know,
your 10 digits mean nothing to me.


Nola_Toy said...

Love it!!! I could so see you performing this

Willy.Wonka said...